For music on the go, download our app
protect your copyright!
Secure digital content delivery
Use CRight to distribute your content to whoever you want whenever you want.
You are in control - your content is only available to the people you authorize.
Powerful collaboration and workflow platform
Make managing your entire creative process more effective. Create teams and share projects globally within your organisation giving you total control of who has access to distribute and receive content.
Using the highest security protocols combined with proprietary Watermark technology, your content is safe with us. In the event of a leak you will know who is responsible. Cybersecurity an arms race and we constantly review the body of technologies, processes and practices designed to protect our networks and data from attack, damage or unauthorized access.
Using our intuitive interface you will be sending out music securely in no time at all. Reach your target audience within minutes. No more CD's, no Courier costs, no pain, no waste.
Quick Send
In a rush...? Try out our new Quick Send feature. Send tracks in just seconds. Don't compromise your IP by using available cloud services such as Dropbox, Google or Box, Take advantage of our secure environment and all of our security features. Everything will be Watermarked for you automatically when you use this feature.
Mobile and apps
Work from anywhere and also use our apps when you're on the go, available for iOS and Android. Listen offline, create Playlists and send feedback directly from the app.
Track the performance of your campaigns through metrics, such as user activity, location, duration and frequency of use; helping you better to engage, understand and effectively target your audience.
And so much more

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